Advice on careers and coaching development from the Wizards!

How would you like to ask some the world’s top volleyball coaches for their advice on becoming a better coach and/or moving forward in your coaching career?

We’ve gone ahead and done that for you!

A regular feature of the Wizards interviews is to ask them what sort of advice they would offer to developing coaches. What they have to say is always interesting, and in some cases might be surprising or not quite what you’d expect.

Want to hear it?

Well, you can do just that – for free!

We’ve taken clips from the interviews of several of the Wizards we’ve interviewed so far and put them into a single 25-minute audio just for you. Each Wizard shares their own unique perspective and collectively they offer some great advice, no matter where you are in your coaching and career development.

To get your copy of the audio just complete the form at the right.